
Could This Be a Challenging Tax Season?

This could be another rough tax season for the IRS and taxpayers. Although this year’s filing season opens January 24, 2022 (i.e., it is the first day the IRS will accept and start processing 2021 returns), the Service still has a backlog of prior year returns to process and is plagued by staff shortages due to the pandemic and reduced funding in the last few years. Even though the majority of 2020 returns were filed electronically, many of those returns still required manual review, resulting in significant delays in IRS issuing refunds. This was the case with millions of 2020 returns of taxpayers who received unemployment compensation and had filed before Congress passed a law that retroactively exempted up to $10,200 of 2020 unemployment income per filer (that provision has not been extended to 2021). Human review was also required for a significant number of returns on which the Recovery Rebate Credit had to be reconciled with the Economic Impact Payments #1 and #2.

How Small & Medium-Sized Business Funding Works

Business funding

Entrepreneurs have plenty of ideas and vision, but they don’t always have the capital that’s needed to make their dreams a reality.  Small and medium-sized businesses that want to grow beyond what they’re able to accomplish with their own resources often seek funding from investors who want to both support their goals and realize a profit while doing so. Funding is a process that evolves with the company itself, starting with a seed round and then moving forward. Whether you’re looking for funding or you’re a potential investor who wants the rewards that come from supporting entrepreneurs through developmental funding, you need a firm understanding of what Series A, B, and C funding are and the differences between each round. Let’s take a closer look.

January 2022 Business Due Dates

January 2022 calendar

January 3 – Payment of Employer Share of Social Security Tax from 2020

If you are an employer that deferred paying the employer share of social security tax or the railroad retirement tax equivalent in 2020, pay 50% of the deferred amount of the employer share of social security tax by January 3, 2022. The remaining 50% of the deferred amount of the employer share of social security tax is due by January 3, 2023. Any payments or deposits made before January 3, 2022, are first applied against the payment due by January 3, 2023.

10 Tax-Saving Strategies to Consider Before Year-End

It seems hard to believe, but the holiday season is almost upon us, and that means that the 2021 tax preparation season will soon follow. With the end of the tax year just around the corner, tax-savvy individuals need to take some time from their busy schedules to review the tax benefit steps they’ve already taken and see what else they need to do. Now is the time to ensure that you’ve taken advantage of all of the tax-saving strategies available to you.

Mega-Rich Backdoor IRA Strategies May Backfire If New Tax Bill Passes

While it’s usually true that the “rich get richer,” a proposed tax code will prove a remarkable exception if the House has its way.  The legislation would mandate an annual required minimum distribution for retirement accounts exceeding $10 million and is aimed at accounts used as tax shelters by the rich rather than at the low-and middle-income savers who the tax-advantaged nest eggs were originally created to help.